Updates to Accent Coaching Teacher Training Program

Jun 22, 2023

We're so happy to have you as a part of our community of speech and language enthusiasts, and we appreciate your support of The Accent Channel. We wanted to give you the heads up about something pretty exciting - an update to our teacher training program: The Accent Channel Method.

This program has already helped hundreds of teachers develop their coaching skills, gain the confidence to start their own businesses, and achieve professional success. And now, we're taking it to the next level.

We're proud to announce that we've added even more value to our already-impressive program, including updated training modules and new instructional materials that provide even more effective tools for succeeding as an accent coach.

Click here to enroll!

Here's what you can expect from the enhanced program:

  • Expert information on accent modification, English pronunciation, and comprehensive teaching strategies for accents and dialects.
  • Detailed lesson plans tailored to specific native languages, ensuring you have the resources you need for every student.
  • Specialized intensive workshops where you'll learn to work with actors and teach specific regional dialects, including General American Southern and Dialects of New York City.
  • Gain invaluable insights and guidance by listening to recordings of real sessions with real students
  • A step-by-step marketing plan to help you find and enroll new students, ensuring the growth of your coaching business.
  • Exclusive recommendations for software, materials, equipment, and other essential resources that I personally use to provide exceptional service in my own business
  • Proven strategies to enhance your skills and confidence as an instructor, helping you provide impactful training to your own students.
  • Client referrals through your listing in our Teacher Directory to grow your student base
  • The opportunity to earn ASHA CEUs and CE Hours, for continued professional growth and development.
  • Lifetime access to our comprehensive training modules, allowing you to revisit the materials at your convenience.

When you complete the program, you’ll join the ranks of our successful program graduates, teachers just like you, who are already experiencing remarkable results. They are finding students, filling their caseloads, and enjoying the fulfilling careers they have built for themselves!

As an additional bonus, we are excited to offer you a FREE 1-Year Premium subscription to the Speech Coach Collective (a $479.00 value). The Speech Coach Collective is our exclusive online community for speech coaches and accent and dialect teachers. With over 300 downloadable PDFs and audio lessons to use in your sessions and share with your students, bi-weekly Live Meetups, an extensive archive of past Live Meetup replays, and a private community, the SCC provides a platform to expand your knowledge, improve your coaching techniques, and connect with like-minded professionals. 


And don’t forget, you can earn 1.3 ASHA CEUS or 13 Professional Development hours in the program.  If you're an SLP, that’s a huge chunk of the hours required to maintain your CCCs for the 3-year maintenance interval.  We provide a certificate of training when you complete the course so the hours can be used for certifications for other professions as well.

If you have any questions or would like more information about what's included in the new version of The Accent Channel Method Teacher Training Program, please feel free to reach out at any time. We are always happy to help!

We are excited to support you in building a career that you love.  Click here to enroll!

Make Money Teaching Accents and Pronunciation Full-Time or as a Side Gig

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